Image: exploring Arkaroola, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Responsible travel for a sustainable future…
Like many of you, I LOVE travelling – but I’m also passionate about protecting our environment. I decided to combine these two passions, and hence Our Planet Travel was born! I have worked in the tourism industry for over 30 years now and still love it.
I believe that any small steps we take in the right direction will make a difference – for us, for the environment, and for future generations. I love sharing my adventures and passion for nature with my daughter, and hope her generation do a better a job looking after the environment than generations have before her.
You might be asking yourself, how do travel and protecting the environment co-exist in a happy reationship? It is also a question I ask myself. Travel can be environmentally, socially, and financially sustainable – indeed many countries’ economies depend on it – the trick is to find the right travel products and make the best possible choices. That’s where Our Planet Travel can help you.
I have spent many years now researching inspiring stories and companies, and sourcing beautiful images. Our Planet Travel encompasses the experience categories of ecotourism, responsible and sustainable travel, indigenous tourism, and volunteer tourism (voluntourism) – as well as general sustainable lifestyle and eco tips and news.
If you are a business in the tourism industry and interested in any marketing assistance, you can also check out my other business: Planet Marketing
I love working with like-minded companies – and welcome you to join me. Please contact me via the Contact Us page if you have any questions at all.
You can follow my eco travel adventures, news and general eco info via the Blog, my regular Enewsletter, and my social media pages (see below).
Happy eco travels! Mel
Melanie Grevis-James
Founder & Editor
Please join me on Our Planet Travel’s eco adventure: